Category: Politics

  • Bitcoin, Crypto, Principles

    Bitcoin, Crypto, Principles

    We all have heard about crypto, bitcoin. Digital currency supported by nothing, only by math and trust. But why is it suddenly so popular? Why so many even conservative people go there, investigate, learn? Many different reasons. but all of them reasonable. It is all good about crypto but mostly all bad about current currency.…

  • USA Has Metric System

    USA Has Metric System

    Not really, but officially sort of yes, if you ask any government person. They are a bit uneducated, they are paid to lie and it is mostly marketing. If you ask what is our official language and look a bit European, the answer will be French for sure. USA METRIC SYSTEM IS IN … A…

  • Bitcoin Crashes?

    Bitcoin Crashes?

    I like the principle of Bitcoin and crypto currency. The system is fair, if it becomes standard it could remove all problems current currency causes. Try inflation, it could be gone. Value of your money will remain the same for life. Borders will not mean much, exchange rate will be just some silliness from the…

  • Bitcoin


    We are probably bankrupt. In 1971 Nixon took money off of the gold standard so we could print more money. The reason he did it was to pay for the Vietnam war. Dollar lost purchasing power. The more they print, the more it gets dilluted. With Bitcoin you just can’t do that. Businesses collapse, families…

  • Powerful Politicians

    Powerful Politicians

    Educational videos and clips, may not be in English, but worth it. Augustin (Gustav) Husak Klement Gottwald Pol Pot Nicolae Ceausescu Rúholláh Músaví Chomejní Josif Vissarionovič Stalin Fidel Castro

  • Confusing Inflation

    Confusing Inflation

    You hear inflation this and inflation that. All the time. I get it, I understand, but it would be nicer and more honest to explain value of money in inflation on examples that are easy to imagine. Inflation is when prices for the same item or service increase over a period of time. Or it…

  • Tucker Carlson Makes A Good Speech

    Tucker Carlson Makes A Good Speech

    People don’t like him much. He does not look honest, makes no decent points, he can be complicated. Then he shows up and he talks to this man or has almost a speech. And he makes a ton of sense, he is very smart, uses very good logic. United States is a good and brave…

  • Tulsi Is Officially The Most Beautiful Politician Ever

    Tulsi Is Officially The Most Beautiful Politician Ever

    Smart too. Listen but look too, she is worth it!

  • Ukraine and Peace

    Ukraine and Peace

    So a boring day with nothing too exciting, 3 GO games with 1 win and almost no work, which is left for tomorrow – and I got some decent ideas about how to solve the biggest error I have to solve first … before I move on – but now it’s time to sleep, and…

  • Trump Process

    Trump Process

    I am not Trump fan, I was unable to experience when he was our president due to serious health reasons. And I hear that a lot of people are not his fans, quite the opposite. But the man was our president, the highest office in the country and whether we like him or not, we…

  • Bob Lazar Interview About Area 51

    Bob Lazar Interview About Area 51

    Bob Lazar, physicist who worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, and also on reverse engineering technology at a site near the Area 51. Jeremy Corbell is a contemporary artist and documentary filmmaker.

  • Area 51 Mystery with Bob Lazar

    Area 51 Mystery with Bob Lazar

    About Area 51 Bob Lazar story and insights about the secrets of Area 51, UFOs, and the unexplained Element 115.